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Learning diary lecture 6, presentations

Notes on the presentations

Team 1:

Weheee went quite well.

Students asked questions about:

Q: Whether we saw SocFri as a company as an networking organization or what

Q: how did our team comminication work

Q: what do we think SocFri gets from organizing this event, what's the benefit for them doing it the way we suggest?


Team 2:

-Introduction about the event and the company.

-Considering SocFri team.

-Had interviewed the team

-Tuckman's stages in the context of SocFri team

-what's the situation right now

-need of goals to work better together, common goal

-roles of Mikko Perälä (implementer), Janne Salmi (resource investigator), Ville Heikinen (co-ordinator and planter)

-Future goals: expanding in Finland, branding high profile business partner, revenue logic, how to maintain motivation without change?

-Not focusin' on business model

-Q: who does the team need? A: "structure follows the strateg", would need a deeper understanding about the current workers"


Team 5

-analyzing the roles of the SocFri members




-no challenging dynamics

-self managed team

-food & drinks - womans touch

-recruiting students to events (movie tickets etc. as a reward)

-sponsor opportunity (value proposition model)

-Belbin roles and forming a "dream team"

-building a team with optional number of team members, spreading the idea to other big Finnish cities

-Q: why this sort of a presentation (IMO "a bit of everything" -Sofia)? A: wanted to combine the theoretical and practical things under discussion during the course

-Q: are roles realistic? don't they change depending on the team? A: partly perhaps yes, we just wanted to present a dream team



Team 4

-swot analysis about the current team

Strengths: self organized, no formal structure (dynamic and proactive), good connections, high motivation, high interaction between team members, well empowered, mutual trust

Weaknesses: lack of common vision and goals

Opportunities: event itself is a good way to find partners and team members

Threaths: risk of group thinking, what if someone leaves the team?

-knowledge management model (enables effective team performing)

-organization sturcture, about memory etc., intranet

-team hould analyze the competences of the members

-common goals and commitment


Then the event part:

-do people really get to know each other unless they are pushed to it

-activity task (a4 paper -> build a tower in 2min) - SORT OF LIKE OUR GAME IDEA

-offered 3 totally different concepts for SocFri that could be capitalized (like recruiting day)


Team 3


Discuss & brainstorm

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