Before the event
Ennen tapahtumaa
- Sosiaalinen media
- Aktiivinen hallinnointi
- Esittäytymistä ja verkostoitumista etukäteen esim FB:ssä
Ihmisten aktivoimista teemaan
- kysymysten esittäminen, taustatiedon levittäminen
Eventtien välinen tapahtumien kertaaminen
- Kävijät mainostavat hyvillä kokemuksillaan
- Käytännön järjestelyt
- Tilat,
- Kestitys
- Rekvisiitta
- Tarvittavat välineet (huomionauhat tai liivit, nimilaput etc)
- Ilmoittautuminen
- Tietokannan muodostaminen?
Ppt slide
- voi löytää tapahtumasta haettuja ihmisiä
- voi löytää asiakkaita
- voi löytää yhteistyökumppaneita
Ppt slide
Before the Event - Organizers
1. Advertisement - Social media prime way of advertising.
People can start to network before the event has taken place! Social media is good and cost effective (free) way to take first steps of networking before coming to actual event. Comments on the Facebook pages give easy and good starting point for discussions face-to-face. It's usually easier also for introvert people to start creating connections when the first touch is made virtually beyond a safety barrier granted by social media. And finding these first contacts through an easy way may have a great effect on how many of these introverts can be seen on the event itself.
Allows people to put faces for the names. Through Facebook people can see how others look like before meeting them. This will most likely lower the threshold even more for people to start conversations. Highly important for participants who come to the event to make contact with someone who they dont know beforehand as this will make pinpointing right person easier.
SocFri people should actively keeping up discussions about upcoming event and hype it. By doing this right way, SocFri can enhance the wanted mysterious reputation of the event. It also helps tailoring the event as people can comment on what kind of topics they might want to have and gives easy way to give feedback.
2. Registration - Way beforehand the actual event.
Allows collecting comprehensive database of people coming to event(s).
Database, with above mentioned social media, allows people to search people based on their needs. This is crucial for the people who are not just coming to hang around and have clear goal in their head.
It is important that to keep registration information optimal. Not all people want everyone see what they are after in the event (employee looking for new job opportunities). Yes, people can always lie why they are participating, but building trust as an effective media for networking and reliable source of connections requires high confidentiality from the company.
Possible items in database: picture, name, expertise, what is looking for, contact information. Person who signs up should be able to tag information as "classified" and hide it from others.
3. Practical arrangements - Quality over quantity
Practical arrangements in the event we participated were not that high standard. The event lacked so called "womans touch". All tableware were disposal ones, salad didnt have tools to take it, event run out snacks rather quick, drinks were more or less just thrown on the table Many of these could be improved with small effort that would increase professional feel of the event and would increase the probability of people coming again.
Organizers were difficult to spot. Only way to know who were the organizers were orange badge leashes. Easiest way to improve this would be common uniform for all organizers. This could be something easy as unified blouse with SocFri logo on front or back (they guy making Michael Jackson moves). This was more or less true with the sponsor representatives. This could be done with blouse also, but it should have different color than the organizer one and should have logos of both, SocFri and sponsoring company.
The place could have few monitors hung up on ceiling showing small advertisements from sponsors. These could also be used to improve atmosphere (SocFri logo guy dancing), share information etc
4. Sponsors - More money, more publicity
Though event is planned to be non-profit the organizing still requires money. For this reason sponsorship should have different levels. Each level could give more publicity:
- level 1 - Company gets her name to social media, can give introduction speech at the beginning of event, identifiable blouse.
- level 2 - Same as level 1, but also has spot for banner(s) at the event.
- level 3 - Same as level 1 & 2, but has advertisement on monitors.
It's worth noticing that sponsorship in these kind of events gives a huge advantage compared for such a little effort and money. Comparing to for example sponsorship in football games (organizations pay big money) in SozFri the sponsorships means advertising but also way to achieve bigger goals. It can benefit from getting new customers, recruits or network links because just that audience and those people have gathered in that event. Same doesn't happen in most sponsorship cases.
In the planning phase of the event it is important to think about: why, who, where, when ja how. Also the SMART goals can be used i.e. goals and planning need to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-specific.
Goals need to specific so that it is easy to judge whether those are reached or not. Specificity is related to measurements. Goals need to be measureable. They also need to be achievable and realistic, e.g. necessary resources are available. The goals have to be bound into the time so that there is enough but not too much time.
Objective for a networking event can be e.g. to achieve attendance of at least 30 new guests at Socializing Friday event on the 13th of January 2010 by SocFri people actively promoting the event in the social media during 2.1. - 13.1.2012.
MBTI - one point of view to team composition
Organizations increasingly rely on teams in order to be successful in their business. Team composition is seen as one of the most important factors in team performance because it influences the range of available task-relevant resources as well as how well team members communicate and cooperate with one another. (Kearney et al. 2009: 581).
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a tool often used by business to achieve the goals of building work teams. That can be also one point of view when arguing why different personalities are needed in well performing teams. The MBTI identifies 16 personality types considering four dimensions of personality: extroversion (E) ? introversion (I), intuiting (N) ? sensing (S) , thinking (T)? feeling (F) and judging (J) ? perceiving (P). The four domains are the places where people prefer to operate from. These preferences determine how individuals perform. (MBTI Basics.)
There has to be a healthy component of E persons in a effective team to ensure intra-team communication. The E is a natural communicator. If there are too many Es in the team, the team will experience confusion with people talking at the same time and interrupting others. The work will not move forward quickly, if there are too many I types as they are not initiating enough to organizing or communicating with other team members. The I types pay attention to what is really said and to the process itself. (Berry et al. 2007: 17.)
In the domains of S and N, balance is also needed. The S types can easily perceive the facts and communicate to other team members. They are facilitators. The N types develop complex ideas that are more difficult to express. Conflicts can be expected between the S and the N. (Berry et al. 2007: 17.)
The T type is quick to make judgements and to verbalize them. The F type may not express their thought at all as they are afraid of hurt feelings. The Fs are best harmonizers in the team. They are the most capable of helping the team in creating trust. Group cohesion is most impacted by thinking and feeling types. The thinkers are so quick to voice directions that often frighten F. However, if all are F types, there is a risk of having no conflict. Without conflicts or differences, the team can not achieve synergy. (Berry et al. 2007: 17.)
In the domains of J and P, there is need for acknowledgement of strengths of each type. Also a plan on how to incorporate these strengths into the group process is needed. The J will keep the team on schedule, while the P will help the team consider other alternatives in the decision-making process. The P is not limited by space and time in their thinking, they present creativity that can enhance the end-product. (Berry et al. 2007: 17.)
Berry P, Wood C & Thornton B (2007) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator As A Tool To Facilitate Learning Outcomes For Team Building In The Classroom. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal. Vol. 3: 4: 13 ? 20.
Kearney E, Gebert D & Voelpel S.C (2009) When and how diversity benefits teams: the importance of team members´ need for cognition. Academy of Management Journal. 25: 3. 581 ? 598.
MBTI Basics. The Myers & Briggs Foundation. Availalbe: Cited 15.10.2011.